Bad Startup Advice: “Market Benefits, not Features”


If you Google “features vs. benefits,” you will find countless articles telling you not to talk about features.

“Features tell, benefits sell” says HubSpot.

This is bad advice for startups.

If nobody knows what you are, they will not care about what changes you can drive.

Why is this?

Because you have…

  • Zero credibility.
  • Zero trust.
  • Zero brand recognition.

You see this in YouTube ads:

  • countless charlatans promising to boost your revenue without giving a single description of how they’ll accomplish it.
  • You see this and call bullsh*t.

The what and the how are the foundation for your benefits.

Without them, you’re just like any other fraudster promising to help you get rich quick.

Best Practices

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Ben Wilentz

Founder, Stealth Startup