Some go-to-market channels work better for horizontal startups ➡️...
...and some work better for vertical startups ⬆️
Quick reminder of definitions
1️⃣ Horizontal startup:
↳ anchored on a use case that is shared by many different personas and company types
→ since these cover many different industries, you should utilize channels that take advantage of virality OR search intent
2️⃣ Vertical startup:
↳ anchored on a specific persona, department, company type, or industry
→ since these are highly targeted on one specific, recognizable group, you should utilize channels that are most likely to get the message directly in front of them
Check out the examples below with horizontal company Asana and the more vertical company of Webflow
(with their original target, which was agencies)
→ all the channels listed below could be used for BOTH types of companies with good degrees of success... this is just meant as a loose starting point
Ben Wilentz
Founder, Stealth Startup