If your product is failing, it may not be the product's fault.
You might be trying to sell it to the wrong customer.
Here's two examples of products that went from zero-to-zero through strategic re-positioning:
Everybody remembers Google Glass as a colossal, public failure by one of the world's greatest companies.
They tried to sell premium smart glasses to average consumers but failed due to concerns about privacy (and the fact that they looked... well, dorky).
But not many know that Google re-positioned Glass as "Glass Enterprise" and began selling it to large companies like DHL and GE with large hands-on workforces.
And it has been a massive success ever since!
Stanley made Tumblers over five years ago and found very little success trying to sell to their usual target market:
Farmers, outdoors people, campers, etc.
After finding very little success, they pivoted targets and re-positioned around nurses and teachers and used influencers to market the product.
The product started selling like wildfire!
Ben Wilentz
Founder, Stealth Startup