Lead with Capabilities over Benefits


If there ever was a product marketing “hack" to make your messaging 5x clearer, it would be this...

→ ✅ lead with 🟧 capabilities, not 🟦 benefits

Here's an example comparing two different interactive demo products:

Navattic and Walnut

This a newer but rapidly growing product category.

If you've heard of category, you might know the loose parameters of its purpose:

→ let people walk through the product themselves before they book a meeting

So by the time you start checking out products in the space, you've likely already been convinced...

✅ this would be a helpful for your pre-sales or marketing teams

✅ if you added a tool like this, you could expect to see ROI

But what you're left wondering is... WHICH interactive demo tool should you get?

🤔 how does these tools actually work?

🤔 which one will best fit our product?

🤔 which one will be easiest to setup?

🤔 which one will be easiest to use (or most customizable)?

Notice what's missing → ROI.

People start looking at tools because...

1️⃣ they believe the problem is real and

2️⃣ they believe this product category can potentially solve the problem.

In the context of this typical journey, Navattic does a far better job of actually explaining the HOW and meeting customers where they are.

(Which isn't surprising, since Natalie Marcotullio is the real deal).

When you're SCANNING the page (since people don't really "read" websites), this makes it super to understand HOW the product works and WHAT it does...

(i.e. the capabilities 🟧)

...which makes you more likely to believe the benefits 🟦

My only suggestion would be → don't hide this in a use case page! Bring this type of language onto the homepage!

Best Practices

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"The database has been truly invaluable to me as I build out my product marketing messaging for pre-selling a landing page for the SaaS app I'm building. Thank you so much for making this knowledge accessible for early-stage founders!"

Ben Wilentz

Founder, Stealth Startup