The Danger in Creating A New Product Category

Product Category

Creating a new product category?

🚩 A word of caution 🚩

Just because you are doing something new to solve a real problem that exists…

💢 Doesn’t mean there is a market for it.

New categories require two important things:

🔴 A real problem that exists today

🤑 A customer willing to pay for a solution


So when you do find a real problem that exists…

You better be able to prove that someone is willing to pay to have it solved.

💀 Or else there may be a reason why there are no competitors.

Best Practices

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"The database has been truly invaluable to me as I build out my product marketing messaging for pre-selling a landing page for the SaaS app I'm building. Thank you so much for making this knowledge accessible for early-stage founders!"

Ben Wilentz

Founder, Stealth Startup