Superhuman: Before and after

Superhuman: After Fletch

Superhuman came to Fletch looking to develop a positioning & messaging strategy to break into the sales market — growing beyond their success with founders and product managers.



Broad framing of the problem sales teams face with email
Over-messaging on benefits, missing clear product differentiation
Feature overload
Extremely long page, not likely to get read


Spotlights specific pains AEs face with email
Leads with sharper capabilities, supporting sales-level benefits
Prioritized the most compelling capabilities a sales leader would care about
More concise page narrative structure


Broad framing of the problem sales teams face with email
Over-messaging on benefits, missing clear product differentiation
Feature overload
Extremely long page, not likely to get read


Spotlights specific pains AEs face with email
Leads with sharper capabilities, supporting sales-level benefits
Prioritized the most compelling capabilities a sales leader would care about
More concise page narrative structure
